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Network built in Honor of Co-Founder, Jorge Goncalves (RIP)

Writer's picture: DC CreatorsDC Creators

In Dedication to our CO-FOUNDER (RIP: 8-3-19)

Jorge Goncalves was the light behind the DC Creators curtain, and helped us produce wonderful events all around the DC, MD & VA (DMV) area. He represented our strength. He was my right-hand man, and supported anything I did with passion. Jorge was also my best-friend for 10+ years, and the best thing that ever happened to me. We were lovers in the end. Needless to say his presence & energy is greatly missed every day. I will not be the same without him. I learned so much from him, and every day I feel a little closer to Jorge because I strive to be more like him in everything I do. <3

I have a lot of history to sum up here, but I’m doing my best to keep this brief for you. Let me just say, I lost touch with the world when he passed because he WAS my whole world. He helped in too many ways to count with having fun in life… and especially with events & productions. It was impossible without my right-hand man.

As some of you may already know, who were lucky enough to know Jorge, know that he only wanted the best for everyone, and had a heart of gold. He was a wonderfully creative, loving & insightful older gentleman from Portugal… and a dancing machine at our events!!! I miss dancing with him so much at ESL & Flash as those were memorable times (PRE-PANDEMIC). I just wish I knew then how much he really meant to me at the time, and to cherish every minute… but you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone. Cliché, but true.

So when he unexpectedly died from a brain aneurysm on August 3rd, 2019, it truly broke me. I paused my whole life for a year. Events stopped, and I mourned. I have learned so much from his passing. Too much to say here.

The good news is, as time has passed, and I have healed my heart again, I’m back, and stronger than ever! I built the Network Jorge and I have been promising our followers for years. Now I create everything in his honor… and remain proud to do so. He is my muse! <3

I wish you all could have met him, but I’m sure he’s happy to know I’m continuing our mission. His spirit is still with me, helping me push through and help others strive. His wish was for me to be successful in everything I do, because he always knew my heart was in the right place.

So please enjoy this network that was created in his honor. It’s what he would have wanted.


With Love,


CO-FOUNDER of DC Creators FOUNDER of the DC Creators Network


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