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Featured Artist | Lauren deSerres

Creative Name: Lauren deSerres

Real Name: Lauren deSerres

Links / Websites: 

Brief description of self: I’m a mixed media artist based in Pittsboro NC.

Long Description of self: My work explores the human experience and its impact on the environment.

What I create: I create mixed media paintings of whimsical animals in a fantastical realist style. I make my work using layers of painted paper, acrylic paint, graphite and ink. This layered technique helps the viewer to look closely at the work, gradually unveiling hidden nuances and details, both in technique and in the stories behind the work. In my work, I use animal imagery to represent different aspects of the human experience. I collect stories and folklore to find the spiritual meaning behind each animal. My work is about finding happiness through self discovery.

Project Description: My work is about getting through life challenges. Each animal represents a different part of the human experience. Rabbits are the main characters in my work and they are the protagonists of the visual stories that I tell. Rabbits reprint abundance and happiness in folklore, and in my work they are constantly on a journey to find their truth. Other creatures that appear frequently in my work are foxes, whales, bears, frogs and toads. My work explores the human experience and ways in which we can use imagination to creatively address the challenges of adulthood.

Medium & why: I use both heavy body acrylic paints in my work, as well as ink, graphite, and painted paper. This provides a contrast between the soft lushness of the landscapes (painted in acrylic) and the tiny details of the characters which are painted on watercolor paper, and applied to the landscapes. This layered technique encourages the viewer to look more closely at the work and to uncover more detail in both the visual experience and the visual stories behind the work.

Favorite part of the creative process: My favorite part of the creation process is creating the stories in my pieces and then adding little details for viewers to discover as they explore the piece.

The most challenging part of the process: The most challenging part of my process is constantly improving and pushing my own creativity so that I can make the very best art I’m capable of making.

Inspiration of this creation: I’m inspired by the human experience and navigating life’s challenges.

Other creative influences: I enjoy cooking as another creative outlet.

How creativity betters my life: Creating is part of who I am. I’ve been creating for my whole life and I’m a little lost without that process. I enjoy making art, but also applying creativity to the rest of my life.

Advice to other aspiring artists: Create as much work as you can. Choose to make what you love, and seek to improve your work with each new piece you make. It’s hard work, but if you have a drive to succeed, you can accomplish just about anything. If you want to become a professional artist, take some business classes!

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