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Featured Artist | Stella Alexander

Creative Name: Stella Alexander

Links / Websites:

Social Media: IG –

Brief description of self: If I have to use one sentence to describe myself I would say that I am a free, creative spirit who balances a career in the international aid development space and is also a very passionate emerging artist.

Long Description of self: I was born in Bulgaria, however I’ve spent half of my life in the DC metro area, which I consider my home. I see myself as an expressionistic, semi-abstract artist and creative. I live in a quaint beach town in Maryland with my family. My studio is located minutes away from the nearest beach and the local coastline and atmosphere inspire me to create. The process of painting has given me so much – it has centered me and it has given me a sense of place, meaning and purpose. I am looking to offer that same deep feeling of inner peace and good energy in each of my paintings.

What I create: I create paintings. I also create ceramic pieces.

Project Description: These are three of my recent paintings.

Medium & why: I am a mixed media painter. Using different art mediums gives me infinite freedom to create. I love using acrylic, oil pastels, oil sticks, cold wax. Sometimes for my works on paper I love using delicate graphite/charcoal and watercolor.

Favorite part of the creative process: For me, the part of the creation process that I appreciate the most is working on the initial layers of a new painting.

The most challenging part of the process: I would say that the most challenging part of the creation process is resolving a painting – figuring out if it needs anything else from you to be considered complete.

Inspiration of this creation: I am inspired by the surrounding nature even when it comes down to working on a portrait for example. The atmosphere around me helps me get into a “creative mode” easily.

How creativity betters my life: Creating balances me and completes me.

Advice to other aspiring artists: Share your work – the world needs it.

Testimonial: I love this quote from Albert Einstein: “Creativity is contagious, pass it on.”


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