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Featured Artist | Calling Cadence Studio

Featured Interview | Calling Cadence Studio

Creative Name: Calling Cadence Studio

Real Name: Terri Giller

Brief description of self: I am an artist and nature lover. I love creating fun, nature inspired pieces that are familiar to most people.

Long Description of self: I am a credentialed art therapist and artist. My love of art is what led me to a career in art therapy. I find it important that as an art therapist, I continue to explore and express myself artistically. I am inspired by nature, currently birds.

Project Description: 100 Birds and Patterns – I became interested in birds after becoming a certified master naturalist, one of my favorite program topics was ornithology. I find that the diversity in species, evolutionary process of birds, and symbolism of birds in ancient art fascinating. A couple years ago, I participated in a “100 Day Project”, committing to creating a small watercolor of a bird each day, for 100 days. During that time, I enjoyed learning more about the birds and really NOTICED the variety of birds in my direct environment. This year, I’ve committed to another 100 days, focusing on birds and patterns. Each day, I complete an acrylic painting of a bird species with a vibrant pattern background. My hope is to bring attention to these wonderful creatures and inspire people to get curious about and actually notice birds in their environment.

Medium & why: My work is currently acrylic on 4×4 canvas. I find that acrylic paint lends itself to more expressive work, the size of the work keeps it manageable for daily art making.

Favorite part of the creative process: Being curious. Learning new things.

The most challenging part of the process: Silencing the inner (unhelpful) critic.

How creativity betters my life: It’s more like a daily meditation. A break from multi-tasking. When I am creating, I am solely focused on the present moment, and that eases the mind.

Advice to other aspiring artists: Make art daily. Create what interests you. Make a mess and make mistakes. Have fun.


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